Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Wow I can't believe it's already October! Fall is in full swing, and we have some beautiful colors around our house. It seems early but maybe time is just flying. It certainly seems that our lives have just taken off since school started a month ago. My new favorite thing is helping at school. I love seeing Jack there and being a part of his new world. It's so weird that he has a world apart from me now but I guess that's ultimately the goal. I'm glad it's done gradually!

We went to the apple orchard last week and had a great time and a beautiful day. I have enjoyed meeting some of the other moms too.

Awana started this past Wednesday and wow! We had many first timers, some from our VBS this summer and some brought new friends and we even had a few just wander in wanting to check out our church. What a blessing and how exciting to see it grow. It's definitely the largest group since we have been involved so that is very encouraging.

I am looking forward to the MOMS group this week and hoping to see more moms!

I am still volunteering at Metro Women's Center in our store Blessingdales, and it HAS been such a blessing! We receive many donations every week from various places with most of them coming from the Kids Rack, a consignment shop in Champlin. I can pick up donations 3 times a week. It has become a part of my routine now, and it's so worth it to be able to help so many people. Being a part of Metro Women's Center and Blessingdale's is truly a blessing to me and to so many others. I love being a part of this place that is doing so much good.

So after a couple of adjustment weeks, I am into my routine and am really enjoying it. I was a little overwhelmed when school started, but now I'm getting in the groove I think. And I like to be busy! My main concern is being able to have Ava with me, and I have especially enjoyed having a little buddy with me doing these things.

Here are a few pictures of the apple orchard.

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