Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring is here...I think

The snow is mostly gone! Robins are everywhere! The eaglets that we watch online have all hatched!  And the kids are getting outside more!  I think I have spring fever.  All we want to do is be outside.  We have been doubling up on school so that we can end in May, and it is going well so far.  But it already seems hard to do - for both of us!  I am eager to do everything outside that we haven't been able to do in the past 6 months.  And I know it will still be a little while until it's normal to have good weather, but I have a taste of it now and don't want to let it go!  It was even fun to hear the thunder the other night and be glad it was raining and not snowing!

It has now been a year since Matt candidated here in Fairmont - so crazy that it's already been that long.  We are feeling good and excited about our future here!   I remember it was crazy weather last year too at this time and am hoping we are nearing the end of the crazy part because the summer was awesome!  I'm ready!

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