Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter 2017

What a great Sunday! It's wonderful to be able to go to church and worship every week, but Easter is special with an emphasis on Christ's Resurrection! Matt preached on the Greek work "tetelestai" which means "it is finished". What an amazing thought that is! So many things were fulfilled on the cross.  Matt also talked about the conversion of Hudson Taylor, the great missionary. He studied what Christ had done and thought what's left for us? Then the amazing thought: "Nothing! What else is left but to fall on our faces and praise Him forever!" This really impacted me.  I'm so thankful for all He's done.  There's nothing for me to do.  It's done!! 

So here are our children on this beautiful day in their Easter finery.   

   After the kids were spoiled by both sides of the family, they got to look for their Easter baskets and also a bunch of eggs outside.

Jack's basket was in a suitcase on the shelf.

Ava's basket was in the laundry chute.

Look who got the Golden Egg? Again!!! We laugh because we literally have to point out almost all of the other eggs; but the last two years, she has happened upon the golden egg.  This year it had $5 inside!
Fun bunnies from Aunt Nanny

Easter dinner - yum!

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