Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This past week in review

We have been busy as usual with all kinds of fun events.  Last Friday we joined a homeschool co-op in Fairmont that meets once a week for classes like art, science experiments, Spanish, speech and gym for Jack.  Ava even has a class and learned about the letter A.  The kids loved it, and I did too.  It was so much fun to meet more people, and it also gave us a school flavor.  I helped in Ava's class for the first half and gym class for the second half.  I'm already excited for the next one!

Then Friday night we had a great time at church for our adult game night and had about 20-25 people there.  We played some Heads Up and also did some Minute to Win It games before diving into the board games which lasted until around 10:30.  I guess we had some serious gamers!  I haven't laughed so hard as I did during the Minute to Win It games.  Competitive!  So so fun, and I'm so glad we did it!

Saturday we took a quick day trip home for Auntie Heidi's birthday party.  All of our trips there have been quick ones lately, but this one had good quality family time with Mom's chicken enchiladas and homemade chocolate cake and frosting. The best!  I love going home and am so grateful for my family who make everything special.  

Sunday we had a great day at church and were able to have our senior ladies over for lunch.  I wish I had taken a picture but I was busy with the food and didn't think of it.  They were a blessing and so much fun. 

Monday we tagged along with Matt while he went to a golf tournament, and the kids and I enjoyed a day out playing.  We ran some errands, ate some Chinese food, and even got in some rides and mini golf at the Mall of America.  

Amidst all of this activity, we are plugging along with school and enjoying it still.  Life is moving right along, and I guess we will just go with it!  

Ava's class

Game night


Minute to Win It - ping pong ball rolling down a tape measure into a glass.  Hard especially if your tape measure is warped!
Taking out kleenexes with one hand - this gave me a big laugh!

Transferring Tic Tacs from one bowl to another with tweezers 
The winners!
Heads Up
Happy birthday, Auntie Heidi!  She brought mustaches, so we all had to try them out.  Yes, we are way behind on the mustache craze.  

Ava wouldn't do it at first because she's a "gull" but she joined in before too long.  

Two peas in a pod
The end of a long day
Mini golf sort of

Riding a ride with Ava that almost gave me whiplash or at least cracked my back pretty good!  PS I don't think we are good at taking selfies.  

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