Monday, March 3, 2014

Relaxing a bit

It's been nice to be home relaxing from our trip and just enjoying our house.  We will be having an open house in two weeks for our church to see the house so there will probably be a few small things to do, but it's been so nice not to HAVE to do anything.  I almost have to remind myself "oh yeah we can relax now".  I was so used to having lots of projects to finish.  And with the weather being so crazy, it's nice to have a comfortable home to enjoy.  I told Matt he has made me a homebody finally!  Not sure if he believed me or not.  

Looking forward this week to having people over who have helped us so much with the house and then heading home for Dad's birthday!  So it should be a fun week along with hitting school hard.  Jack and I both love that!  Homeschooling can be nice in that you can adapt it to your schedule, but time off has to be made up just the same as regular school. We are in week 19 this week and try to do 5 days of work each week even if we take a day off.  It helps me stay organized.  

On an excited note, we have bought our last diaper!!!!!!!!  Yes, Ava is completely potty trained!!!!  She did pretty well on the trip, and we will just do a diaper at night until we run out.  Once we got over the hump with her - and it was a HUGE hump - she actually was much easier than Jack.  She is always dry in the mornings and can hold it much longer.  So it is a huge blessing and hurdle for me.  One of my resolutions is actually done!  In having both of our kids, I always thought ahead to potty training as the end of babyhood. Of course, I loved them as babies, but we are now in my favorite phase!  All of our problems are over, and all our dreams will come true!  Ha!

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