Sunday, July 27, 2014

Little Miss Truman

Truman is a town about ten minutes from Fairmont and every year they have Truman Days in which many activities take place.  This year I was asked to help judge a Little Miss/Mr. Truman contest.  I have never done that before, and I had the best time!  The kids were ages 5-11 and all so cute!  You hate to have to put a score on all of that potential.  My favorite part was the interview in which each contestant was interviewed individually by the judges panel.  They were asked a variety of questions such as favorite color, vacation spot, etc.  It was mostly to see how at ease they were with people.  I wrote down my favorite answers.  Some were just adorable and some were hilarious, and I mostly just loved hearing the genuine authenticity they have.  

Here are some of them:
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?  (After much thought) "Have lemonade!"

What do your mom and dad do? "Mostly walk around the house."

Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?  "Grandma's house."  Another kid said, "The North Pole."

What's the most unique thing about you?  "I'm really a mermaid."

What do you want to be when you grow up?  "A mom."

Who wins when you and your brothers and sisters fight?  "Mostly my mom."

What do you want to do when you graduate?  "Be with my mom."

Who do you look like?  "Most people say I look like my mom and my dad."

What's your favorite part of Little Miss Truman?  "Being crowned!"  And looked at us like duh!  

Here are the winners, but really they were all adorable and did a great job.  

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