Saturday, July 30, 2011

A couple of Jack things....

Jack was very excited about getting to have some "somersault" tonight at supper....applesauce.

He still says, "Please you may get me a drink?" instead of "Please may I have a drink?"

He gets up before me usually and goes in Ava's room, and they play together until I get up. I know I have it good! When I finally have to get up, he says to me, "Mommy, are you going to stay up all night and fix me some supper?" Me: Jack, you mean stay up all day and fix you some breakfast. We call it breakfast in the morning. Jack: I call it supper. Me: Okay

He's asking questions about God and Heaven lately since Grandma's funeral and maybe even a little before then. I love those talks. I hope and pray he sees God in me and wants Him for himself.

He wanted to play Mario Kart tonight and called it "Mama Mia". I guess they say that in the game. I just laugh at how he makes up names for things.

He still is a great big brother, much nicer to Ava than she is to him. HA She gets kind of annoyed when he gets in her way. So here we go with that whole phase. Each phase has pros and cons, I guess. I still remember the doctor telling me about Jack around this age. "The older he gets and the more his brain develops, the more annoying he will be." I thought that was pretty good....and true!

Jack is very nervous about thunderstorms because of a scary one last year in which we went to the basement. He said the other day, "Did you hear that kachowing?" I guess that means thunder.

We are working on a few things with Ava. Taking the bottle with formula and the pacifier away. It's going okay overall. I can't tell if she's more whiny because of that or if it's for another reason. But I know she's okay, so we're just working on it little by little. It's been nice to be home the last couple of days to work on things like that.

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