Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy First Day of October!!!

Sadly, the Twins didn't make it to the playoffs; but there we were cheering them on! Oh well. Still had some good snacks!
So we're keeping pretty busy with church - Awana starts tonight! And we have a special Sunday planned for this coming week, so we are busy getting that all together. And it's been nice to spend time with family lately. Otherwise, I'm babysitting and keeping busy with other projects. It's nice to have a day like today where I had not one thing planned...on purpose! The rest of the week will be busy, so I'm just enjoying today!
Jack is making us laugh more and more saying all kinds of things. He stands on top of his little potty while I'm getting ready in the bathroom and sings out of one of his books. I can make out the word "Jesus" every now and then, so it's good to know it's a Christian song - HA. Well, have a good week, and hope everyone is doing well. As my family always races to say first, "Happy First Day of October!" I know. I don't really have an explanation. It's just a weird family thing that I just let you all in on. But we hope you have a happy day anyway.

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