Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy March!

I think our family is finally over the sickness that has plagued everyone this winter! I felt like just giving the kids a straw in their medicine bottles because we went through so much of it! I'm happy it is March! At least that's when spring officially starts even if it might not feel that way quite yet. It gives hope! It has been a nice break to be in the 30s this past week and to see the sun a little more.

We are looking forward to our 10 year anniversary vacation coming up in 2 weeks! Florida and a cruise! Sort of like our honeymoon trip. And no kids this time either! They are excited to be able to spend lots of time with our families who have all offered to house them.

Another big goal has been reached. For the first time since Jack has been born, we are debt free! What a relief! Now we are working hard to stay that way, and here's hoping the car keeps running! Ha. We are so grateful for God's provision!

We are staying busy with school for Jack. I feel like my car automatically goes there when I get in it. Ava is chattering more and more. They both like to sing so that always makes us smile. Of course, Ava's songs always sound about the same. She has been pretty snugly lately so I'm enjoying this time!

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