Friday, March 15, 2013

10 years together

We are celebrating our 10 year anniversary properly in Florida and with a Caribbean cruise thrown in! We were so sad to say good bye to the kids; but on the other hand, it's nice to remember us without them. And yes, we did high five each other a few times when we heard a child crying or saw a family loaded down with car seats and luggage and strollers. It was nice to walk around with our one bag each.

And it helps to know they are so excited to spend time with the family. Thank you, all you wonderful Hanks's and Fures for loving and even spoiling them while we are gone. It makes it easier to leave when we know they are with you.

Here's my view of our first morning. Love the sun and the green grass and beautiful flowers and landscaping around Carol's and Larry's neighborhood. And we are excited to be missing lots of snow this week in Minnesota!

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