Saturday, July 24, 2010

So Ava is 5 days old today. We have had a couple of small outings to Target, but not much else. I am managing my pain pretty well and am looking forward to getting off the painkillers; but in the meantime, I am grateful for them! She is sleeping and eating well, so hopefully that continues. Some cute and funny things -

She was crying yesterday, and Jack said, "I think she needs her big brother." AWW

He likes to feed her for about a minute and then wants to know if I want a turn. HA

He doesn't like her nursing, just bottles. He also doesn't like her umbilical cord.

He asked if her pacifier was her fireplace. Couldn't quite get the word.

I have loved the many visitors coming to see me. Even if I am tired, I wouldn't trade the care of my friends for anything! What a blessing. It's so nice to be loved and to feel loved. I even have felt the love of my friends' children.

My friend Libby texted me to let me know that Lexi is willing to watch Ava anytime I need her to....she's three!

My friend Stacy's daughter Emaleigh called yesterday to talk to Jack so she could check on Ava. She's six. I could only hear Jack's side of course, but he said, "Oh yeah, she's doing great!" I love that! Emaleigh and her sisters drew pictures for every member of our family so we would all feel loved!

So many wonderful gifts, flowers, toys - and Jack racked up with so much, too! I appreciate everyone loving him just as much! I haven't detected any jealousy on his side, only pride and helpfulness. He will push her in the swing without turning it on just so he can do it for her. But I especially appreciate the time everyone gave to me this week. Also we had several meals and people offering to take Jack and spend time with him. I really can't get over the kindness. It is overwhelming to me how God has worked out every detail for me to be relaxed and peaceful and therefore able to do what I need to do for my family.

So looking forward to church tomorrow!

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