Monday, July 12, 2010

1 week and counting down...

New chair I found free on a Curb Alert on Craig's List. It's Ava's yellow from Crate and Barrel and so nice! Love it and it matches perfectly.

Yummy daisy cupcakes made by my friend Stacy. I think Madison is ready to dig in!

So I thought if I counted down to the State Fair, maybe the baby would come quicker. Only 6 1/2 weeks to go! Although I'm excited about the fair, I can't really think about it quite yet! Today is the day I wanted to have her since this is my mom Chelsie's birthday. She would have been 70 today! WOW! Probably not gonna happen, but I guess that's okay. This time next week I will be in surgery. Fun fun!

Anyway, it's been a little tougher to get around and also to stay cool, so I am staying closer to home as much as possible. That helps. So this week is a little quieter on purpose. We have been busy this past week with our downstairs neighbors leaving for a huge trip out east and then we have been cleaning our carpets and everything else and just going through everything and making sure we are ready. Part of it is to make sure we are ready, part of it is to give me something to do since I get stir crazy pretty easily! Also happy birthday this past week to my niece Bethany on Wednesday and Matt's mom Betty on Friday! We had fun celebrating. And this week is my dad's father's day dinner since he was gone on Father's Day, so we're looking forward to that.

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