Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brother & Sister

Jack and Ava are really taking to each other.

Ava loves two things. She loves to eat and she loves to sleep! And she likes to get the hiccups after she eats.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

So Ava is 5 days old today. We have had a couple of small outings to Target, but not much else. I am managing my pain pretty well and am looking forward to getting off the painkillers; but in the meantime, I am grateful for them! She is sleeping and eating well, so hopefully that continues. Some cute and funny things -

She was crying yesterday, and Jack said, "I think she needs her big brother." AWW

He likes to feed her for about a minute and then wants to know if I want a turn. HA

He doesn't like her nursing, just bottles. He also doesn't like her umbilical cord.

He asked if her pacifier was her fireplace. Couldn't quite get the word.

I have loved the many visitors coming to see me. Even if I am tired, I wouldn't trade the care of my friends for anything! What a blessing. It's so nice to be loved and to feel loved. I even have felt the love of my friends' children.

My friend Libby texted me to let me know that Lexi is willing to watch Ava anytime I need her to....she's three!

My friend Stacy's daughter Emaleigh called yesterday to talk to Jack so she could check on Ava. She's six. I could only hear Jack's side of course, but he said, "Oh yeah, she's doing great!" I love that! Emaleigh and her sisters drew pictures for every member of our family so we would all feel loved!

So many wonderful gifts, flowers, toys - and Jack racked up with so much, too! I appreciate everyone loving him just as much! I haven't detected any jealousy on his side, only pride and helpfulness. He will push her in the swing without turning it on just so he can do it for her. But I especially appreciate the time everyone gave to me this week. Also we had several meals and people offering to take Jack and spend time with him. I really can't get over the kindness. It is overwhelming to me how God has worked out every detail for me to be relaxed and peaceful and therefore able to do what I need to do for my family.

So looking forward to church tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Visitor Day!

Well, yesterday we were pleased to have a number of visitors, but today could be referred to as visitor day. From about 10:30 until about 3:30 we had a steady stream of visitors. It was fun to talk to everyone and pass Ava around. She was quite content to be held by everyone and just relax in their arms. Here are some pictures of all of our visitors.
Both of our families came back for another visit today and Jack was excited about being able to hold his little sister again.

Auntie Melissa
The Owens

Nancy and Karen
The Belleson's
The Anderson's

Monday, July 19, 2010

She's Here!!!

Well, we are happy to announce that Ava Jane Fure has arrived! She was born this morning at 8:19, weighed in at a healthy (chunky?) 8 lbs. 8 ozs. and measured 20 inches. She is eating and sleeping well and mama is doing pretty good, too.

Jack loves his sister and has enjoyed getting a lot of presents, too!

Grandma Fure

Grandpa Fure

Jack and Ava

Aunt Bek

Grandma and Granddaddy Hanks

Our little family

Our new little treasure

Monday, July 12, 2010

1 week and counting down...

New chair I found free on a Curb Alert on Craig's List. It's Ava's yellow from Crate and Barrel and so nice! Love it and it matches perfectly.

Yummy daisy cupcakes made by my friend Stacy. I think Madison is ready to dig in!

So I thought if I counted down to the State Fair, maybe the baby would come quicker. Only 6 1/2 weeks to go! Although I'm excited about the fair, I can't really think about it quite yet! Today is the day I wanted to have her since this is my mom Chelsie's birthday. She would have been 70 today! WOW! Probably not gonna happen, but I guess that's okay. This time next week I will be in surgery. Fun fun!

Anyway, it's been a little tougher to get around and also to stay cool, so I am staying closer to home as much as possible. That helps. So this week is a little quieter on purpose. We have been busy this past week with our downstairs neighbors leaving for a huge trip out east and then we have been cleaning our carpets and everything else and just going through everything and making sure we are ready. Part of it is to make sure we are ready, part of it is to give me something to do since I get stir crazy pretty easily! Also happy birthday this past week to my niece Bethany on Wednesday and Matt's mom Betty on Friday! We had fun celebrating. And this week is my dad's father's day dinner since he was gone on Father's Day, so we're looking forward to that.

Miscellaneous summer...

The Ball family (and Jack) leaving for more deputation

Jack and his friends - Evelyn, Ellie, and Jacob

Matt's and my last hurrah before the baby...Duluth!

Falling asleep with Buzz and Woody

New friends - Emaleigh, Lauren, and Madison

Aunt Bek's new kitty, Cap

4th of July - ready for fireworks!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July is here!

We're finally in the month that I will be having Ava Jane! 18 days to go! And now I'm counting down days! We have lots to keep us busy, too, in the next couple of weeks with the holiday and some special days. So we're just down to getting the carpets cleaned, buying necessities, and making sure the carseat is ready. That kind of stuff. I signed my papers for the surgery yesterday, so we are ready in that way. Probably just one more appointment before D Day (Delivery Day)! I'm still feeling pretty good and energetic, so that is a blessing! With Jack, I was supposed to be on bedrest for the last 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. I didn't really follow it, and I was miserable! But this time, I have felt pretty normal and am able to do what I need to do; so that has been a big help. I remember a huge adjustment once Jack was born, so I am hoping that this one goes well and is a fairly easy, happy baby. I am trying to prepare for either one.

A huge answer to prayer is that our house has finally sold. We have been trying to sell it for years now, and it is a huge burden lifted! Praise the Lord!

So we are just enjoying the summer otherwise. The weather has been great this week! We are just keeping busy with each other, but also nice that school is out for visits with friends and family!