Tooth #5? 6? Losing count!
I am loving the drive every day (really!) with these two. They make me laugh with the things they say and with the stories of the day. It's good quality time that I wouldn't get normally. So I am eating it up. And I love going over their papers from the day or week. Ava has been studying bus safety and took a "test". She was supposed to put a smiley face for a true statement and a sad face for a false statement. When I asked her why she put a sad face by the statement of the bus having a danger zone around it (it does), she said, "Well, dangow is sad." Ha
When Jack brought home his life sized picture of himself that he drew, Ava said , "Let's call him Mawk." Mark after a kid in Jack's class. Haha. Jack didn't appreciate that.
So these are fun times. The best really. I love how Ava is so happy and talking so much more and how Jack is just as social and happy as he always is. It was a smooth transition. And I'm doing well in the office. The more I learn, the more work I have to do and that's a good thing!
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