Sunday, February 1, 2015

Jack at 8

I like to reflect on birthdays of our kids (and myself I guess too) to point out the growth and changes in them.  I know some people really have a hard time with their kids growing up and I do understand that, but I also have enjoyed every new age or phase.  There was a time about 2-3 months ago when I wondered when or if Jack would grow.  But all of a sudden, his appetite has tripled or more, and he can wear pants for his age (size 8).  Some of them anyway.  He also has not lost his two front teeth yet, but they are loose!  

So he had a doctor's appointment and is "perfect", she said.  He weighs 65 lbs and is 51" tall.  

We are starting to have more serious conversations with him about things in life that come up and definitely more spiritual talks as well.  It all goes together.  One thing I love about our time here in Fairmont is how much quality time we have together which can lend itself to those talks.  Even though I still crave more.  

Jack is active, and loves any kind of games.  He loves his friends. He loves our church and the people and activities there.  He loves the Lord and wants to please Him and us.  He loves to excel in school.  He loves Ramen noodles, Chinese food, and pizza.  He loves cookies and crackers.  And blue Powerade.  He loves anything blue.  He says Jock is his best present ever.  He really loves Ava and tries to look out for her.  

Don't misunderstand - I am not under the illusion that he is a perfect 8 year old.  I still worry about lots of things in his development.  Chewing with his mouth closed and having manners!  Watching out for other people instead of charging ahead.  Being easier to be with instead of always having a better idea.  Getting distracted instead of focusing on the task at hand.  And most of all, I worry about him possibly thinking there may be something better out there than a relationship with the Lord.  I think most parents have these fears, but this is where we leave them with God.  After all, Jack belongs to Him, and God loves him more than I do.  I think back to the times God has pursued me because I am His, and I'm so thankful and filled with love for Him.  And to think, He loves my kids that way, too!

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