Monday, June 16, 2014

Conversations in the car

We were in the car a loooong time on our trip, so I wrote down comments from the kids.  I haven't done that in a while so I tried to be more conscious of what they were saying.  

On driving through the badlands, Ava asked where the Devil was.  And "wheow ow the good yands".  (Where are the good lands?)

Whenever Jack tells her she's too little, she says, "I'm a big gol.  I go potty!"  I agree!

Ava has been telling us she misses us anytime we are apart even if for a few minutes.  That's nice to hear!

Jack said he couldn't wait until we were regular driving instead of without all of the stuff.  Yes, our little car was packed; but we had no car trouble, and the cruise control works now!  

Jack has said when food was a little hot for him, "My neck is spicing up"; so the other day when we had Mexican, he said, "My mouth is spicing up, but I just keep eating!"  Too good to stop, I guess. 

Jack has been talking to Ava about salvation and baptism, and she is starting to ask some questions which come out kind of comical sometimes.  She says that she wants to be baptized when she gets old so she can go to heaven.  She doesn't want to be weally weally weally old, just old.  She doesn't want to die when she goes to heaven.  She also said I will go to hell when I be bad.  So I guess she is starting to question things.  I just have to pay attention to what Jack is telling her and make sure the information is transferred correctly.  

These are fun times, and memories are being made!  

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