Thursday, January 10, 2013

Picture Post

It has been a while since I have posted any pictures so I thought I would just do one big picture post to try to catch up.

Jack performing at his school's Christmas Program

He did a great job!

Ava loved Christmas.  She got a lot of books and loved them all!

Jack was excited to get some superhero stuff for Christmas.

Here is Shan's birthday "cake."  We got her a small cake and then added some cupcakes from Nadia's Cakes.


We also made some homemade cake pops for her birthday

They built an ice "castle" by the Mall of America this year and we were able to go with some family

Ava didn't quite know what to make of the whole ice castle experience.  This is pretty much how she looked the whole time no matter how many times we asked her to smile.

It was quite beautiful

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