Friday, August 24, 2012


We were recently reminded that it has been a while since our last update.  Well, we have a good reason as we have been very busy.  We just got done with Vacation Bible School at our church.  It was a fun and rewarding time, but it was very hectic around here getting ready for it.  Jack had a great time and did a great job saying his verses and bringing friends.  As a result he ended up in 2nd place for points.  Ava had a fun time in the nursery and coming up intermittently to get a cookie!

I hope to get some pictures from the last night from some of the people who attended the VBS.  Shannon and I were extremely busy on that last night and didn't have time to take any pictures.  But here are some pictures from the first few nights.
Our theme for VBS was Bug Zone.  Jack chose a mean face for his bug pics

Ava chose a not-so-mean face

A number of ladies from our church volunteered to make cookies and snacks for the kids and some showed their creative side by making special "bug" cookies.

We started out a little slow on the first night with 12 kids.  I challenged them to double their numbers and then I would take a pie to the face.  They made it to 23 the next night (I barely escaped).  They weren't going to let that happen again so they came out in force on the third night with 44 kids when I challenged them to get to 35.  Without looking at the books I told them that the one who brought the most visitors would be able to put a pie in my face.  Of course there was a tie, so I had to take 2 pies!  Daniel and Jack tied with having 5 total visitors.

Jack was a little sheepish at first, but with the cheers from the crowd he fought through it and got me pretty good.

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