Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Odds and Ends

About 4 years ago we put a post on this blog about Jack finding the toilet paper dispenser and using it as a toy. He was about 10 months old at the time. Ava's a little behind Jack in this section of her life but, alas, she has found it! Now comes the work of keeping her away from it!

One of our favorite times of summer is coming: Fair Time! We love going to fairs since they feel like a little mini vacation. We finally got to one this past weekend when we went to the Anoka County Fair. It was hot, but it was fun! We didn't eat too much, but we got to see all the animals and Jack got to ride some rides and play a game. It was a good warm-up for the State Fair!

Jack found this 4-wheeler at the fair and said that I should get that for him for Christmas. He's got an expensive taste! I told him I didn't have $700 laying around for that.

Ava continues to get more mobile. She still hasn't taken any steps, but she can stand on her own for a little while and she can walk with help. Here is a video of her playing with her new toy she got for her birthday and doing some walking.

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