Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fun People!!! and other Jack stories

Dad was walking with Jack and told him to pick up a dime on the sidewalk. He told Jack, "Now you're rich." Jack said, "No, Mommy says we're not rich." Well what are you? "We're uh..uh..we're fun people!!!!" Sounds good to me! Family IS being rich, and we are exceptionally blessed!

Oh and when playing Lego Star Wars, Dardoo D2 is R2D2. It just makes me laugh every time I hear it, it's so cute. On the same line, he calls watermelon "lemonade" for some reason.

Matt was getting ready for work and putting his uniform on. Jack said, "Do policemen have guns?" Matt said, "Yep." Jack: "Do you have a gun?" Matt: "Nope." Jack: "Well how are you supposed to get the bad guys? Oh I use your handcups!"

At church playing....making sword and shooting noises while jumping out from behind things....a lady said, "Who are you getting?" He said, "The Bad Guys." Like DUH! A couple of the little girls were hovering around, and he said to the lady, "Oh! They're with me."

He can be easily discouraged sometimes. I'm pretty sure I know where he gets that from! So it's funny to hear while trying to get his shirt on or something equally difficult, "These things are annoying me."

Today he wanted to play outside with his friends, and they were leaving. So he was moping, and I said, "Are you going to be sad?" "No, I'm just frustrated." That stemmed from the fact that he had turned the game off in order to go outside, and then they left. So no more game and no friends.

I raced you means I beat you.

Matt and I were frustrated the other day. Very busy day, and we were rushing to eat supper, and Jack was chatting up a storm until finally he looked at me and said, "Are you happy?" Matt said, "I'm not. Are you?" "YEP!" Nice to be a kid and not have to worry about things right? At least not the same things we worry about I guess.

Jack talks a lot. I remember when I used to wish he could talk, and now sometimes I think, what was I thinking? But then I remember how quiet and sad it would be if he weren't here. But he does seem to know just when Matt and I are talking about something serious and bursts in with something like, "Remember last time I hurt my knee? That wasn't very good." One day, Matt finally said, "Jack, why do you have to interrupt us all of the time with your comments?" Jack said, "That's what I just do." I think that comes from me, too!

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