I have a lot of Jack stories again. I am mostly putting them in here so that I don't forget. Hope it's not too boring, but I don't want to forget a second of his growing up. Well...I might want to forget some parts; but overall, I want to remember as much as possible.
So the first time Ava was crying in the car, Jack said, "I don't like that." I said, "Well, maybe she is sad. Should we sing to her?" And this was so neat when he said we should sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" because it was the first one I would always sing to him when he was upset. I can't believe he remembered that. So now whenever she starts crying, he yells/sings it to be heard above her.
After getting onto Jack the other day and asking why he did something, he said, "God is frustrated with me."
He immediately says I'm sorry after anything. Nice, but I think he figured out that I definitely soften when he does that and is trying to avoid any punishment. They figure us out too quickly!
He watched me mix hot dogs with mac and cheese and said, "What the big idea are you doing?" Kind of combined a couple of sentences there. He doesn't always trust food that is mixed. So like his father!
Ava crying in the car, Jack says, "Ava, you're gonna have to be quiet. I can't help you right now." He was eating nuggets.
When I get frustrated with something and go UGH, he says, "Mommy, are you happy?" Sometimes he says it a little fearfully, because as we all know, "If mommy's not happy....nobody is."
If Ava's crying, he yells, "I'll get her!" But then just runs to put her pacifier in her mouth. I'm glad he doesn't attempt picking her up though!
He begs to hold her, and you get everything all settled and situated and he says, "I'm done."
He really is very helpful and loves looking at her and talking to her and doing things for me. I love that, too!
When we sing hymns in church, he sings his Sunday School songs loudly at the same time. I guess we should teach him some hymns so we can all be on the same page.
While out the other day, he was waiting for me to get done so we could; so he crossed his arms and feet, leaned against the wall, and started pretending to whistle.
I asked Jack if he was ready to take a bath and he said, "Thank you, but no I don't need a bath."
I am usually exuberant in the morning when he wakes up - as long as I'm up before he is - so I was all excited and hugging and asking him questions. He shut my lips together and said, "Just be quiet."
My little boy is growing up literally. I didn't realize his shoes were 2 sizes too small. I put his brown tie up shoes on that he hasn't worn this summer, and he asked if he could take them off until we leave. I bought him some new ones that day, so he was very excited about that. He just looks so big - sigh!
He was outside with some friends drawing pictures with the sidewalk chalk. They were drawing octupuses and very well, I might add. Well, not to be outdone, Jack drew a few x's and said, "Here's my octupus!" I have to say he takes after the Hanks side in that! A chip off the old block.
Sitting outside in his little chair, he said, "Aah this is fun. Playing is fun. Getting big is fun...and he went on and on.