Friday, November 9, 2007

First Haircut!

It's a Friday night in the Fure household and we are having a party! Well, not really. Actually we are quite boring. We gave Jack a haircut (as you will see), we went to Home Depot (WOO HOO!), and now we are sitting outside of a closed library using their wireless internet in the parking lot while Jack sleeps in the back seat. Oh, the exciting life of a poor family!!!

Well, we finally had to cut Jack's hippie 'do! As the pictures will prove, he was getting pretty shaggy. It was really just a trim, but it was needed. It started out OK, but it got a little challenging toward the end as he was getting bored. We have a video, but we don't have it on the computer, so maybe we'll put it on later. We didn't get a lot of hair, but it did make a difference.

Here are the before pictures:

And here is the after picture:

Jack also got a new winter jacket!

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