Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011


Ava pulled herself up to her feet yesterday, but didn't quite know what to do when she got up there, so sat back down. She also pulled her knees up to start crawling, but hasn't actually crawled on her knees at all yet. She still kind of just scooches backwards. But fun! I know it won't be long!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Poser

Ava has started to grasp the purpose of a camera. The other night I was taking her picture and as soon as the little red light went on she got this silly grin on her face. I kept doing it and every time the red light would come on she would smile. It's a lot easier to get a good picture when they know when they are supposed to smile!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So Ava is scooching! Not crawling, but scooching backwards and around. Scooching is probably not a word but I think everyone knows what that means.

Tyler is a beautiful newborn baby - perfect skin and perfect baby sounds. So fun to hold!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome to Tyler James Ball

Ava's not the smallest person in the house now. Tyler has finally arrived and should be home tomorrow. I can't wait to hold him!

You Punk!

Matt likes to call Jack a punk - it's his pet name for him I guess. So yesterday when we got home from church, Jack asked right away if he could play games and kept on. Matt finally said "No, go away." Jack came to me all sad. So Matt saw that and said, "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but it hurts my feelings when you don't listen to me right away. I love you." Jack said "I love you, too, you punk!"