Jack was giving me a hard time at the store wanting everything and pouting when I said no we're just looking tonight. So we get home and I say, "You weren't very nice to me tonight." He said, "Sorry, mommy, sorry about freakin' out."
After swimming yesterday Jack said, "My ear is going potty."
Picking up phrases like, "Can I tell you a secret?" or "Can I ask you a favor?" He says, "So Mommy..." a lot before he talks.
Jack and Matt came in from mowing. Jack said, "Mommy, you have two dirty boys!" They were so cute; and yes, very dirty! Matt said they were singing at the tops of their lungs. I was sorry I missed it!
He was so excited all day today, and so I said, "Jack, you've been happy all day. That's so good." And Matt said, "What makes you so happy?" And he said, "Mommy." Very nice to hear after a long week!
He loves pancakes and calls syrup "sticky". More sticky, please!
I put Jack in the bath one day and sat down with some cheese and crackers to watch Bonnie and relax for a little bit. He must have heard me because he said, "Mommy? Whatchu doin'? You watchin' Bonnie?" I said, "Yes." He said, "What are you eatin'?" Me: "Crackers and cheese." He said, "I'm comin' out!"
He looked at me the other day and said slowly like he was thinking about how to say it. "You're stettin' my nervers." Come to find out, this means, "You're getting on my nerves." It didn't take him long to figure out the right way to say it though! He picks up quickly on the fact that you are laughing at him for saying something incorrectly.
He loves chips especially Cheetos. After dessert the other day, he wanted a few more chips. So I said, "OK, I guess." He pumped both arms and said, "YES!" Way more excited about that than dessert which he hardly ever finishes.
I asked him last week what he wanted for lunch, and he said, "Strawberries and fruit." He loves almost all fruit besides oranges. We eat grapes right out of the bag on the way home from the store usually until they're gone. He also loves corn and rice and bread. Still not a big meat eater since it takes him a long time to chew.
A gun is a pewter. "Can you find my pewter so I can pewt the bad guys?" Or, "Daddy? Can you help me with this pewter? It won't pewt!"
He got some army men from Grandma. For some reason, he couldn't say army men, and it kept coming out "argy men", and lately, it's also "arny men". But he practices when he hears it the right way until he gets it right. Kind of funny. "Ar Me MEN!"
He is very excited about his little sister coming and thought he would be able to play with her right away, so I just said, "Well, we have to be careful for a while because she will be little, and we don't want to hurt her." Quiet for a minute, then, "So...no fighting?" Nope, no fighting. Not until she can retaliate, I guess!
If he's talking and I'm not listening, he yells, "Mommy! are you talkin'?"
He is not afraid to ask the waiter for what he wants or for help in the store. I can't help but laugh when I'm muttering about not being able to find something in the store and he finds some worker and says, "Can you help mommy find....?" Or if I'm not hurrying him to the bathroom, he goes ahead and asks someone else to show him where it is. A little Roger Hanks in him, I think!
About 100 times a day, he says, "Mommy, what are we gonna do today?" Even when I've already told him. He doesn't really care what we do, just wants to keep talking about it. He likes to just say, "Mommy". He says it all of the time multiple times. And I love hearing it...for the most part!
He loves wrestling with daddy. We are working on how he asks for things because he's very demanding and particular about what he thinks should be happening. "Mommy, I NEED to watch Mickey Mouse." "Daddy, come on. We need to wrestle."
My favorite times I have found are either in the car talking and singing together or in devotions or hearing them wrestle. The laughing, talking, and singing are the best. He sings all of the time. Lately, he likes "Climb Climb up Sunshine Mountain", "I'm in the Lord's Army", Jesus Loves the Little Children", and "Yankee Doodle Dandy".
I might add to these as I think of more. It's hard to get them all down at one time.