Thursday, February 18, 2010

Praise the Lord!

We have so many things for which to thank the Lord! Of course, just life and breath and a roof and food is enough; but even recently, He has provided insurance for us when we didn't have any, Matt's job has changed yet again to first shift, more pay, and 40 scheduled hours. On top of that, what an added blessing to find out we are having a girl this past week; and then next week, we get to go to Florida. My cup runneth over! So I have been busy packing and going through baby stuff. Finally got the baby stuff figured out and so now just getting the house ready and laundry and all that last minute stuff done. Very exciting! And tonight I finally get to have Valentine's dinner with my Valentine. Fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's a Girl!

We just found out we are having a girl and are so excited. So we get one of each! Jack has called it a girl from day one, and I must admit I thought so, too, but was afraid to hope. Matt is excited, but a little nervous about a girl! They both have their challenges, I guess, but we are prepared to meet them with God's help! The name will possibly be Ava Jane, but could change. I have gone through websites of baby names and still come back to this one. And every time I have a new idea, Matt says, "I just always thought it would be Ava." HA! So that might be her name. So now I get to organize all of the baby stuff, decide what we can use, and get rid of what we can't. It's a daunting task since we have a lot, but I do enjoy that! Very exciting and settling to finally long as they aren't wrong! HA

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Counting down the days to my next ultrasound which will be on the 15th. Only 12 days! We got all of our baby stuff out of storage so that I can go through it once we know what we're having. I didn't realize we had so much. So I will have to go through and see what made it through the 3 or so years of being stored. I have to be honest and admit that if it's a girl, I will want all new stuff! I try not to look at baby stuff too much since I can't really shop for it yet. But we'll just see what it is and what we can afford and go from there. So I will be consumed with this and then will have to start packing and making sure we all have what we need for our trip which is fun also!

So Matt is busy with work most nights of the week, but he is hanging in there. God has really provided for us, so we are grateful for that. I am just enjoying my time with Jack, so we do some fun things every now and then. Potty training is going well with a whole day yesterday - sunup to sundown - with no diapers or pullups. Now to tackle nights and naps. While showing me the "evidence" yesterday, he says with a grand flourish of his arms, "See? TADA!" Then he crossed his arms and his leg while leaning against the wall as if to say, "Give me a real challenge!" So here we go! On to the next challenge.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Finally February!

January felt long, but probably because I'm pregnant. We have had so much going on lately though so you would think time would be flying for me. No, not when I'm pregnant. I feel like life just stops so I can be miserable longer or something. I do not do pregnancy well at all!

Jack is finally potty training and doing pretty well with a few setbacks. It's going better and better each day, I think, overall. He has had a few funny comments such as the following: after giving him juice to "help him out", he said, "It's working." I said, "What's working?" He said, "My body!" Another time he said, "I'm going potty, Mommy!" I wasn't in there and so said, "Are you going wet or stinky?" He answered, "I'm going crazy!"

We should be finding out in two weeks if our baby is a boy or girl. I'm very excited and don't feel like I can even wait that long! And then we are going to Florida with Matt's parents. Very exciting! I always long for green grass and short sleeves this time of year. I got a good deal on the gym, so joined again to get somewhat in shape in order to keep up with everyone at the parks. Probably won't be doing Space Mountain, but I sure do want to ride Toy Story! It's so fun! It's also been fun buying a few new clothes for the trip since I didn't have many summery maternity clothes.

Babysitting is winding down. Both of the dads have been laid off, and so one isn't coming anymore, and the other is down to 3 days a week. I will probably be completely done in May. It's already getting hard to lift them.

Busy weekend what with Matt's cousin's wedding and a game night at church. We had a great time. I've never been a game person, but I am starting to really enjoy them. And then a chili cookoff at church yesterday with an afternoon service. Even though we are done by 2:30 for the day, we are usually exhausted after those days. But very fun!