Thursday, June 4, 2009

May Event Pictures

At Como for Bpa's birthday....

Mother's Day 2009

Church singspiration

Go-kart that I found at a garage sale

And another car I couldn't find at a garage sale...oh well. Thank the Lord for Wal-Mart!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I haven't blogged much lately since Facebook takes over everything, and even that after a while is hard to keep up with! We haven't had time. We have been staying pretty busy, but it's a good thing. We are just gearing up for my brother's wedding in a few weeks along with my two sisters moving out of state and my parents also moving to a different house in the area. We have Chris's family coming, too, which is very exciting! So lots of things are happening all in one timeframe: Father's Day, the wedding in which we are all heavily involved, Chris's 40th birthday, and then our church is having VBS the next week. Matt will be speaking at that and also at church on Sunday morning since our pastor will be out of town and then also at the wedding! That's the way it goes, I guess. We are having the calm before the storm this week and next, and then it will all hit.

I am starting a new job in addition to babysitting. Not really new, but an old one again - processing mortgages from home. So we'll see how that goes. I hope I remember how to do it! I will just take it as it comes as long as Jack is #1. He's my favorite and best "job". He is giving us some challenges lately, but he also gives great joy. One extreme or the other, it seems. He must be 2! Potty training is on hold until he understands a little more. Or at least until after the wedding probably. My favorite thing he says is "Awight". (all right)