Friday, July 25, 2008

Funny Video

We haven't updated for a while, so I thought I would just add this funny video of Jack. He was just having a good time with the hangers on the door handle.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reading in bed with a good book

We didn't hear anything for a while, so Matt thought he would see what Jack was up to. This is what he was doing....

He had climbed up in our bed, crawled under the comforter, and was calmly reading a tract. Good reading!

Happy 4th!

Jack did pretty good for his first real 4th. We started out the day with the Fures, but of course, I forgot my camera. Here is later in the day when Uncle Brent is introducing him to sparklers!

But we ended up inside looking out the window because the booms were too loud! Maybe next year will be a little easier. He loved the empty sparkler box though. He didn't want to let go of that. And he was very interested as long as he was safe inside!